with a thuch shuck or a mut but a chebreday or a holiday, why not have it your way Try a freeze steve see a paul please know a name jame before you mame cain think about black jack get your eulogy jewerly put up your kink fink time to blink dink
Another NEG Fib
Another NEG from the FED, We’d rather try a lance instead. indeed, lets feed, this government policies vague as their speed. The National Energy Grid its that which binds our mid, Evens out the flows, so jobs dont take more blows, and were paying likes crematoriums for the fib. Now a National Energy Guarentee saves monies, […]
Hysteresis Egg Asterix
In the future when its all rounded out The people conform and theres no-one to shout. The Nazi’s have won, the nationalists reign, Someones decided to show them again. The way it goes round is just like an egg and asterix, a star, an elongated greg. So when the nut jobs take over and boycott […]
today i sit
today i sit broken hearted paid my penny but only farted how much longer must i linger before I’m forced to use my finger ed2: today I sit broken hearted Paid my dues but my super darted What forms does one persist To get looked after when one’s vanquish ed3: today I sit broken hearted […]
Dr Egg is not yet dead, his been working on this instead. When reverse engineering our plan, best keep our eyes on the nose that can. Ears are keen for r’s and d’s never mind peoples e’s and c’s when trippling a Rhombicuboctahedron dice, You’d better ensure your facing it nice. family friends foes and […]
twisted syndrome
Ok, im calling it Em Time to get rid of the DSM Has no one checked does no one cares twisted dicks causing flares escallate the twisted dict Its a bent and wounded The trick of the prick packed away no way to sway heaven help the underpants fray hangem loose hangem long softness besotten […]
noone likes
noone likes what I do reward em nothing curse the fool es mad you know lost the plot hasnt saved lost the lot gave away all they had decided no more bad no more color no more taste no more hunting throwing waste its insane yes I know you see the issue in every tissue
Insatiable insanity
The break happened long ago before the arabs and indian show before the greeks before the geeks before uranus thrown off its meeks when blank was best they spoke of rest looked up and decided best be caressed A caring word a gentle touch a kindess that we’d not hear much a softer grin a […]
Bamboo kindness sticks
Just making some meander bamboo kindness sticks if anyone can help
The Worst Three English Words
Old White Men – OWM which reminds me when I was ill was finding it hard to concentrate. The bosses frustrations causes lots of abuse of which I remember one line: Your a rude cunt cost. That did it, illness and pain made me run away to the toilet where I gathered myself. If he […]