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Month: September 2018
Its yet another cult Thats popped into revolt after these thousand years named in those tears Its Just Another Cult thats working it out to minimise the stress in living rootmeins best tribal theory eliteism global generic terrorism alpha numeric plagerism mind boggling realism the billions of words the millions of nerds the new concept […]

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Help, I need somebody help, not just anybody – help… I need a friend – help …. dun a dun a dun a dun… .. So I wanted to contribute an service application to help people get support from their care group. I call it exvulnerable and it will be where vulnerable people can squwark […]
unaryism, unaerism or unarism
unary, the word to describe a single identity (especially of a mathematical operation) consisting of or involving a single component or element can be extended for use as a philisophical principle. And while im not the one to differentiate between valid zelots for the trinity, hetro, poly or secular avenues I would always prescribe that in […]