One that smells and needs a wash. A horrible terrible poem, should be named a horror, or be given to Bosche. A horrible terrible poem, Every word is pre prompted Every word a conjugated – siren. A terrible horrible poem, can’t be phrased right, so why continue read’n words left to […]
Category: Uncategorized
I hear the rhetoric, I’m along for the ride. I’m touching bases, even the ones God provides. I hear the hyberbole, it never ends. Weighing absurdity, with sensible Bens. Big Balled beligerants, with endless rhymes. Keep the media, full of hy’s. Save a squid I say, Provide a prawn a place. Pat […]
You want to run through the senate, seeing them fear far from home. You want to be pithy, critical and correct. You want to distance yourself from the left. You want to keep fighting, though wind, fire and rain. Trouble is, can you switch off your brain? Cauz it seems like you’ve been […]
Seems crazy to me to pardon, excuse or reprieve, If your innocent why respond to their heave. If your removed from being under the law, Don’t they end up changing it once and once more. And on and on, The merry go round, Up in the air, Down to the ground. Happily marching, Singing […]
How does it work when they elect a monster, who speads disharmony for the sake of a spoiler. One who doesn’t want to work with the world, just the spoiled brats that brought spotlighted fame. Amused by memes or profitting off teens. Making some insta lambo that seems. Others eat cat food to pay […]
From a meme that stole our saving on mass, They try again from that deep crevasse. The Son, his turn, was beaten to the punch, Just in case you’ve not heard, $BARRON’s no free lunch. They fight and argue, and throw they’re weight down. There’s at least ten I’ve counted, one hundred million – […]
But now Trumps in town I wonder whats in the bin. I’m already starting to see the frowns forming, I see there plenty of people fully fawning. Trump might be tops, how will the legacy stops? or will a pre dump slump be called in by the scotts? The English are wailing, the […]
Here I sit in contemplation, now I need an explaination. I wondered why, Down deep I know, Just needed some time, its a gargantuan show. Lots to process, lots to learn, lots to allocate, lots to burn. There lots to say, and this is my way. Of burning the candles, that aren’t […]
Yes its a joke, I’ll start by tellin’ ya. If you’re a smarter dog than me, try to sue and truely see. What’s to gain with your wealth and power, To give us grins and win heltor sceltor. Ok, I said some time ago, If thats the path, its very low. […]
Note to self.
Its not how hard you get knocked down, Its not how hard you sleep. Its not how hard your dick becomes, Its the floor below your feet. Its not how soft your voice becomes, Its not your gentle touch. Its not how you look inside my soul, Its not your joyful laugh. Its […]