
Cost Rocks Space

Three twenty two, Eighth of the Tenth twenty twenty. Space be the place of plenty, His holy grace, by which we define our space. What time did you you wake? Did you keep note of the time conscious spake. I was, the first to be born. It made me the odd one, bald hair and […]


Post NDE transcendence

First to apologize, for all that I have done. I beg forgiveness deep within, I’d forgotten what I’d won. So I took myself off the map, Placed darkness in my heart. I Stood and held it gladly, And waited till after fart. I stretched and flexed, and rode the silence train. Decided the work needed […]


The rekarded departed.

What would you do, when they hover over you. Without wearing a mask, and breathing their disgust. Staring at you like your a piece of art, not something to be cared for, nor something, that might fart. Breathing away without concern, They might have corona but they wont squirm. So retreat into office and gather […]


Good God Greg

Good God Greg, What have you done? Place yourselves around the tigers, none of them care for the one. Starting up in serving others, Out where the virus lays. With bits and bytes in swirls of text, Where logic rarely rays. Its a dollar and a way, to spend and pass the time. Annoying others […]


Fourth ninth twenty twenty

Fourth ninth, twenty twenty, Safely in the, land of plenty. Safely safely, safely says. safety firsts, all the gamed rays. Careful Lance, warning Denis. Beware mates, the cost defends us. Hoarding Janice, Coughing Karen. there’s well enough, for all to see heaven. One by one, by prayer and pent. By breathing well, Out ones vent. […]


Photons are both particle and wave misnomer.

Just let me say, as its unusual this way. That I share my insights, and publicly make right. All those experimental ways, to show our dual slit experiment days. That say photons can be directed aways, forget to tell you one little says. It says that you, cannot decide. what angle it emits, When it […]


twenty five eight twenty twenty

Twenty Five Eight, twenty twenty. Were still here, in the land of plenty.   Pathetic passengers, Propelling the past. Pushing prospects, Punishing panache.   Empathetic deconstructionism. or sympathetic reconstructionism.   Pent on evening, out the earth. Working on the mirth, of girth.   Flattening height’s and heightening lows. Focusing on all that flows.   Natural […]


Fasting for Fi

Fasting for Fi, and onto day three. She’s been told she’s got cancer, So I’m bandying for her.   Its a multiple myeloma, cells be the curse. Now for DNA replication, instead of a hearse.   Chemo, and therapy. Eating specifics. And drugs not for glee.   The pain is awful, Feeling like lead. unable […]


Twenty third eight twenty twenty

Twenty third eight, twenty twenty. There is no debate, In the land of plenty.   They’re spitting chips, and lying alright, They’re raising their quips. akashic records their might.   Now genetically engineering, and other one’s too. like poisons and fungi, are just some of what they do.   They air drop it in, where […]


ok, twentieth, eighth twenty twenty.

Ok twentieth, eighth twenty twenty. Now I wonder, if its a land of plenty.   Got your house in order, ducks in a row? How’s your backups, and your escalation show?   How’s the updates, these defragging days. Were out of commission, has everyone got pays?   They’ve updated their profiles, redefined their vision. Setup […]