Its really not getting that old. The time to talk is when no else, mentions the metal, hoping it’ll bounce. But it will climb, ridded from CPI, The prolific element, So the FEDs say hi.
Category: Uncategorized
Four seven twenty twenty three
thats how our American counterparts, describe they’re relate-a-bility. As we prescribe, the flows of electrons, things are being rewritten, in favor of the fermions. Variable sizes, with predescribed paths, fate never looked so tempting, when attributed to a fast. The sounds down low, the pitches ran high, Todays good friday, time to […]
Sixth of the fourth twenty twenty
No point fighting or spitting the dummy. No point buying gold, you’ll just have to store, no point in stocks, they’re heading to floor. No point with Bitcoin, its turning around, no point with Etherium, I dont like the sound. What we want is peace at last, a helping hand, with mouths agast. […]
Gold is now a genuine scam
Gold is now a genuine scam, It has its time, it’s had its fans. Now I want rhodium, platinum and palladium, Sealed with wax and buried below, Remebering the time when roofs used to glow. Golden caps, and silver tops, those things are common, in our world of tea cups. But in the world, […]
Its eight’o three and I’ve got my tea, Pre apocalyptic weather permitting. I’ll finish my theosis, complete my prayers, find a game, and do a dance. I’m working with six eight and twelve, those numbers keep going round round and round.
Original AI
Forget the edit, torid does weighs, You and me, Its an opposites craze. My nose goes up, your nose goes down, this AI future, Helps me spell new phrase. Its p as in person, and c as in crown, You’d better know, which ones upside down. Are you really all that, are […]
Marriage causes psychopathy, You’ve been warned, Of hyperbolic hypocrisy, Comes in threes, dont see trees, just focus on the you & me’s. Courtings inital phase, Then honeymooning days, Till its time that bordom prays. Can you love, Without owning it, Enjoying freedoms penultimate. Would you like, your hands tied, or shackled […]
I do the bash, the christmas crash
I do the dash, from the stock market rash. I do the cash, I do the news bypass. I do the sash, I lash around my fore. I do the mash, I do the monster mash. I do the pash, I turn the calendar ash. I do the fash. I […]
Here we are…
Just before Christmas, AI’s romping, robots competing. Happiness is found between the shops, Where people are standing, Not as wandering flops. Searching and thinking, what goes next, Where people are working, at what goes best. People are hoping, for some Christmas cheer, Not the endless rattle, of oppression and fear. But […]
The pagans might have lost control and christianity might now rule, but times are closing, people choosing, The wealth has all gone moving. Now not only the one percent, are keeping us stuck and sick and suffing, time to tell caesars cretins, have your coins, your notes and billings. Hooked on meat wheat and […]