With all these personal attacks, with all those are being hauled over the racks. When will it all stop, When you find yourself on a Lot? With posts, pins and lines, drawing outlines of the crimes. It was a great lurk for the sixties, property never developed so quickly. For less than a car would […]
Author: Doug Reighns
Pouring Stars
I felt it rain upon my face, folling the habits of my suited race. raining again, obscuring the stars. I saw it worse, rain on mars. I heard the rain upon my metal, the clang and spatter of every kettle. remaining constant, with its ebs and flows, Whever its emptied, nobody knows. I saw it […]
On a serious note
But when the time arrives and nobodies home, spending the evening by the phone. wondering where, wondering why, wondering if theres another guy. You’d sooner believe there’s a UFO, The ground swelling up, taken by sink-hole. a broken down engine, plus a dead battery to boot. a late night meeting, a forgoten work hoot. But […]
Wain the double Weening
I’ve heard you try and speak of it, but it doesn’t make sense a bit. There’s a lot to do and a lot to say, So lets not get in each-others way. I write to satisify my internal quem, Its your fault for taking it in. Your words of wonder and grace be nice, But […]
For the lispers and thissers, the stammers and stutters. the people who have trouble, separating your mouths utters. Catharti-cost-harthism is just one way, Cathar-tic-o-sthar-thism to keep slipping at bay. Catharti-cos-thar-thism gets harder each day. Cathartic-os-thar-thism finds us our Fay. sthar be nibble, sthar be bright. sthar bring me, a hot meal tonight. Does catholicism catholothize, […]
The sand in the desert, the rocks in the bush, the trees in the forest sing. With the reeds amungst the hutch, who so evers bell will ring. Vibrate concrete in the cities, and the water in the lakes. the fences in the urban village, containing all those gates. The shrubs around the rivers, the […]
Elixir of Life
The Elixir of life, the philosophers stone. The soul of the world, has all been well known. But what is seen is seldom heard, For what it makes doath history diserve. Just one view as it allow, for the holy gates to disavow. All Christs as they appear, bring something we all do fear. That […]
Metricly authorethological
Just as the metric system rolls on, my z trick can also be causing a throng. Just as each phase presents, people go out to live in their tents. thrashing and throttaling as the things to do, reaching and wreacking to avoid a great phoo. Wouldnt you know whats fair from Pharaoh, a me trick […]
I dont know but i’ve been told, that long ago my soul was sold. I dont know who credits those, who profits from those initial folds. which sex or what the race, whos profession or witch daughters face. I can tell as shown to me, that this all started over a cup of tea. flabergasting […]
If you’ve placed a nine volter onto your tonge, you’ll know that its starts by making you young. the tricity runs through you like a shocking huge wave, curling your toes like your bodysurfing phase. If you’ve experienced that electrocuting sound, Had your ass handed to you – while laying on the ground. You’ll note […]