Its twenty four twenty twenty, Its time for a lot more poetry. If you haven’t tried, Your not asking your why’s. or developing your twenty twenty. Now let me talk to you gently, Tell you whats okay to rent-ly. If it increases the cost, and things start to frost. Take it back, citeing it unmeantly. […]
Author: Doug Reighns
Covids, Captors and Captives
Stockholm Syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may be formed, between captor and captives, during intimate time together, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. In light of Sweden’s resistant policy against lockdown, […]
Costona Costona, The corona’s Pneumonia. It hates the cost, like throwing bleach at moss. The color goes, a ghostly white. All hidden fears, come out with delight. Not a bacteria, Not a germ. Its not the fungi, Thats disgusts this term. Your viral video’s will have to stop. Your free and easy lifestyle, is going […]
Corona Corona go away
Corona corona go away, Go away so we may play. Play around without me please, Please set me straight with heaps of cheese. Cheesy grins I’m getting now, Now I’m walking with my towel. Towel’s are thrown into the ring, Ring filling up with laughter of him. Him, “The Trump”, orange man bad, Bad, yet […]
Corona Virus get behind us.
Corona Virus Corona Virus, Covid nineteen, get behind us. People want to go out to play, They want to live each day away. Okay, we played along, stayed out and learnt a song. I read a book, had a sook, Now I feel like a high left hook. Corona Virus, Corona Virus, Covid nineteen, get […]
I’ve seen the words, I’ve seen whats wrote. What I aint seen, Its a corona’d goat. They tell me plan A, B or C. They tell me were doomed, pronto for all of thee. The enemy is hidden, down deep between drops. The virus ring fear, In all those little globs. I’ve read all manner, […]
Keeping Mum.
Om om, keeping mum. Thats the word, thats the sum I heard. If one and one make two, then try on the other shoe. walk a mile, with such a smile. That keeping mum, becomes quite stum. Our lips, will thus be joining, Hum or om, do what yours fun. But remain alert and watch […]
Nineteenth the second Twenty twenty, Nothings worked, Nothing working. We trust the truth, In truth we trust. But would be still, Be bygoned bust. They had their time, They’ve complained and whined. Cant you see, It not their mine. They own the land, They run the gate. But did they care, all the pollute we […]
Thirteen of the second, Twenty twenty, How dare you say, We’re from a land of plenty. Plenty of crazy, Plenty of lies, Plenty of immigrants, Who hate all the flies. Plenty of mozzies, Bitting through dacks. Plenty of snakes, Sacking the lax. We’re full of nut jobs, Negging away, Boiling at the seams, making us […]
Tenth of the second twenty twenty.
Tenth of the second, twenty twenty, How is dears, In the land of plenty. You’ve plenty of smoke, Plenty of dust, Plenty of rain, Plenty of rust. They say down under, is the place to be, But maybe respect comes, From all of our trees. Our furry creatures, Laying about, Caught in fences, Seen scurrying […]