
Cyber Pandemic started today

Cyber Pandemic started today,
It’s been building for a while
and just wanted to say.

They’ve pulled the rug,
tightened the rope.
The incompatibilities,
they’ve built up soup.

Apple and Google,
Microsoft Amazon,
FANG’s and dependents,
They’re fighting over none.

They’re getting desperate,
out of steam,
They Keysington model,
where printings unseen.

They need a story,
a movement of masses,
But when they fight amongst themselves.
front-running their customers.

Straw manning suppliers,
feighing gift cups.
Dont they know technology,
beat all of their sups.

Sure it is moving,
people about.
Buying bigger houses,
to see their days out.

You can map things
onto your 3D models,
But nothing like time,
is necessary for hodl’s.

Those idiot boxes,
were the least of concern.
But now they’ve got gay,
and already turned.

Its money money money they say.
You need it to remain,
Or compete as a human,
for just another day.

Societies divided,
so Mum does said.
I guess she’s toying,
with my realities head.

But when the tech,
starts fighting itself.
And the plug needs pulling,
Or all hell breaks out.

No service,
no operandi,
to do.

The time keep ticking,
waiting for curfew.

Been there many times,
when Novel and Microsoft fought,
were fighting for dominance
so many networks they abort.

They killed them,
wore them out.
By providing loopholes,
and not sharing their raught.

The vulnerability market,
The weaknesses looms,
When security professionals,
are created in Dunes.

They all need a living,
Those people in there.
But the past people corrupted it,
bought shares for their heirs.

They’ve kicked the can,
down the road,
The bucket of too hard,
Is overflowing and getting lowered.

So when your internet cuts off next,
Or the power grid goes and takes a rest.
When the stations are closed,
with signs instead.

Try growing some greens,
and breathing instead.

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