Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it, they say. Don’t do it to save yourself, Of even save the day. Don’t do to impress, your brothers in arms. Or even the ones, who are pretending to be moms. Don’t do it to all those, who are praying for peace. Don’t do it to […]
Category: Uncategorized
This is twice that I’ve heard, doctors accepting our being a covid herd. We’ll need to learn to live with it Accept its here just bite and bit. Its about the vaccinated and who is not. Bull shit I say, you’ve lost the plot. Its not allowed, this deathly virus. Mum doesn’t want it, So […]
Seven of eight twenty twenty one. Hope this NFT, things not over yet. I reached right back, when running right. About the art, I did with delight. I used excel, with hysteresis and eggs. To show that the world, has all our twists and bends. I call this man, Doctor Doot. Because he gets upset, […]
Flipsy fouci foils forgain
How can we trust, when your getting paid. To help or hurt, or whatever you do. Whatever you do, gets spent on new shoes. News shoes for your kids, in there private new schools. We know there’s a lot, of pressure to pounce. But the honor’s are in, for highest wages sent down. So you […]
Third of the seventh, twenty twenty
Its the third of the seventh, and its ringing with circlips. There’s a clip for your cuff, So the brekkies don’t scuff. There a clip for your sleeve, So we all know you miss steve. and there a clip for your car, So the keys dont go far. But the clip for the economy, Is […]
Just listening to Richard Heart, its a marathon just to catch up. I’d love a rap, of all the crap. Of swearing and belligering, interview ee. Reading the code, silly whales are owned. pegged to the crypto, forecasted to down close. Great idea, many are rich. Did I miss out again, or could it be […]
Cyber Pandemic started today
Cyber Pandemic started today, It’s been building for a while and just wanted to say. They’ve pulled the rug, tightened the rope. The incompatibilities, they’ve built up soup. Apple and Google, Microsoft Amazon, FANG’s and dependents, They’re fighting over none. They’re getting desperate, out of steam, They Keysington model, where printings unseen. They need a […]
wouldn’t you know it, Its just another rack. The Perineum, with muscles intact, spread out evenly, when aligned with your back. The feeling you get when scratching your back of those muscles constricting freeing up all those tack The tacks we have all over and around holding our skin to our frame we abound. not […]
This Christmas I’ll think I’ll list, all the things I want with a kiss. Except I never get what I want never on the list that I provide prompt So this year I’ll think I’ll try to ask for things only for a gay guy I’ll ask for some woman’s knickers and a dildo too […]
Facts of the matter
Facts of the matter, tend to be, Were each independent, as a she or a he. Some are older, some are young, some are slender, and some are fun. Some are locals, some tarts, some are retaining, a month worth of farts. some make it up, as they go. Others plan, OCD on show. some […]