Upside downside,
which way to play,
forwards backwards,
which way to sway?
Sometimes I prefer
a centriffic approach,
Sometimes I’d prefer
to rather emulate a roach.
Sometimes what’s needed,
is direct contact,
sometimes its necessary,
to give a good smack.
I can only
count two on me,
Both for my son,
though he wasn’t even three.
Somehow now,
I don’t want to share,
but needless to say,
it still stays in the air.
I just have that
panic feel,
like everything’s lost,
like nothing’s real
I wonder why,
I’m even still here,
enjoying the water,
breathing in air.
It wasn’t perfect,
but it was full of grace,
So we’d break up the peace,
by starting a race.
First to the line,
gets all the glory,
Then everyone will,
want to hear your story.
But after a while,
of win win win,
everyone’s out,
and that grins wearing thin.
So we step up the game,
increase the odds,
make it move around,
taste all the sobs.
Its sick I know,
the way we will work,
until we discover,
life’s got a quirk.
Your needs and wants,
should be on the table,
with it fully cleared,
your now up and able.