The vow of man not to plagiarize, The vow of man not to critizise, The vow of man not to justify, The vow of man not to crusify. The vow of man not to fantasize, The vow of man not to deny his pride, The vow of man not to bring disgrace, The vow […]
Author: Doug Reighns
If money sits on the right, with figures surging with delight. would the left be wrong, to sound a gong, warn of a cascading right thats wrong. If the cryer yells, ringing his bells, sending his fears abroad. The damage within, that holds that firm grin. makes that nothing something to win. Whats […]
The essence of an ill is seldom found in it, not that it was spoken, or mouthed a little bit. But that bit of essence, in ill – it found an init. the essence of a sequence, the essence of in its bit. ill in it in essence, the sounds that crack and pop, ill […]
Bees and Teas
Its your Bee’s and Tee’s, that make us seeth. Its the bottom of the harbour, Its the top of the world. Its everywhere inbetween, with a clenched fisted resolve. Maybe theres a lord in there, maybe there’s a corps. Maybe theres just family and friends, arranging anothers divorce. Between the walls – between the sheets, […]
Just a initerant iliterate whos have fun with the reiterate. Nor oring or snoring, just rhyming with chiming. Not exing the perplexing, nor jexing a gestering. Just walking and talking about squeaking and squalking. Rounding our vowels and harping on owls, The eagles dared try, but the chickens knew why. We hawk on a crow, […]
The thirteen faces of god.
Where’s there’s winking, no-one knows, Which face is worn, which face done goes. Where there’s smiling, Where there’s grimace. Where there’s Pscyclic diligence, traditional transitional balance. Look at the faces, as they are true. More than seven, we have a few. First is the one on Top, lets start with him, he goes pop! GarGoiling […]
Is our children learning
Linguistics, Style and Writing in the 21st Century – with Steven Pinker
Well worth watching
Jo Nova – How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Electricity Grid in Three Easy Steps
Wholly Science gets a mention
Pateo TV on Johan Oldenkamp