
ExSqueeze me

Excuse my ruse to educate and amuse,
My experiences bewildered and the confused.
My barber once told me the secret to their hair,
They do it themselves, not at a fare.

This language that we employ the most,
we rely on for our proper pose.
And all the damages that curses hosed,
Upon the weak and poorly exposed.

If I could and if but able,
I’d take humbrage at the table.
Where conversation and laughter reigned,
And lift the curse of manners feigned.

Forgive me for my unright mind,
something given over time.
I must thank those who shed their light,
And who avaoided yet another fight.

With the new vowels declared,
The language can move up into the air.
Arguments on whats a vowel,
Might make me seem more like an owl.

But rz’ and l’z and h’z too,
All provide but for the few.
But q is the one I admire most,
said like a vowel gives it a boost.

Gregory Quiest

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