oh-ah-ha doesn’t do it justice, The twin inverted balls may bust us. But the sounds are real, used to deliver zeal. Join them up for inspiration, reverse them round for preservation. Argh may not be much of word, Ahh looks less – as its missing one third. What was it – you thought […]
Author: Doug Reighns
Impressive Rock Battle Rap
To day I tap – that I like this wrap. three times its played, so shared on this datied. who won in fact, just check the rap, time for change, or just rearrange?
If madness is just so so wrong, why is it – the last to get the gong. The person speaking – mocking fun, his got the mic, his turn for song. But no but no, he cant sing, he just strings words together – poking ming. Now she starts and joins her band, how dare […]
Hoopty Doopty, diggery do, hope the days been kind to you. Wholely molely, flaingering fly, If you haven’t debugged yet, code for the sky. Terrific turmoils, yunderling yings. When will all kindly select our kings. Litigating Lackies, Latining Lounges, their building from foundations – crowd quelound. artifiscial accounti, flibberty flake, Just make another rule – […]
How to oppose I like to dispose, and get your own way, at the end of the day. If you’ve wondered how they scrape and bow, Its cause they expect, a hand and how. Now how to oppose, could mean to demand. get blamed for that, they’ll find another man. democratic foes indeed, who’s dating […]
FA1A1A is my red
My red is bright as light, brings things to into sight, its doesn’t fade like our sun filled days, and the numbers are alpha, with quiet dismays. Ef’ a’s to start like my 3D art, as two fifties a key, to cubes angles last three. One a is nice so we do it twice. Its hex is […]
Eat, Pray, Pove
Yeah yeah yeah you’ve heard it before, hopefully the movie – didn’t bore. But the Love has changed, what was that for? Well, Let me help you – with your jaw. It started as love, something begot, When it wasn’t love, something forgot. It was alright for one, inflicted with lust, But the others mightn’t’ve […]
neck tech
there’s not enough neck tech yet, so it is the often forgotten set. hang them round or slink it over, something for whosoever’d drover. stack em up or clip them round, you’ll not’b looking much down. voices bring the shining light, one harmonizing of each plight. Kitt lights spinning spiraling, letters forming, shilling zing. jisting […]
Writing failures
Clear and concise, organised and structured. No rules, no laws, nothing banded from texts draws. persuasive and pertinent, valuable and exact. Something you might consider, is all kept in its tact. useless is useless, not important you say. not valued by anyone, like tits on a gay. conveying important, be careful on your ways. explaining […]
A Faster Christmas
A Faster Christmas