

Tried Tron today, wish me luck!

I have been ask to develop an idea I’ve had for some time about a see-saw algo that allows maternode ownership to individuals for insurance.
This is a once off insurance policy with a fixed amount as a once time withdrawl. Voting is done on the network through a baysian model. One node per person, re-entry allowed.
The basic idea is to allow particpants to grow the network by allowing payouts based on need instead of greed.

I’d like to call it UBI or Uninteruptable Backup Insurance.

Basically, contributions may be once off or regular and the idea is to grow the project unit it is equalised in value against the voted payout amount. For example, a young person may stake $100 and never contribute another dime knowing they are getting interest thoughtout the year, however as the funds continue to rise, the payout amount drops according to the % payout schedule.

Payout can be completed after reaching the ‘point’ set by the consensus voted amount.

So essentailly, it is a opt in insurance scheme that you can profit from as a facilitator of payments and any optional services you, or the org may provide.

The reason I feel so strongly about this is because here the insurance companies have a bad reputation as wolfs and will delay and force participants to accept less for move over time and continuously diminish their risk exposure.

This is opposite that model, here I pay the most to low level investors and tax the biggest investors.

I emplore you to consider this proposal and I will be publishing my attempts to have this accepted by people joing this space and other crpto communities that would like to participate.

Your grant would secure my future for a few years and make TRON the backbone of the UBI model. Please consider seriously.

Kind Regards

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