
Omg his done it again, some say best but I say bad.

I hear the rhetoric,

I’m along for the ride.

I’m touching bases,

even the ones God provides.


I hear the hyberbole,

it never ends.

Weighing absurdity,

with sensible Bens.


Big Balled beligerants,

with endless rhymes.

Keep the media,

full of hy’s.


Save a squid I say,

Provide a prawn a place.

Pat your dog with tenderness,

let watch him win the race.


For all the words and actions,

the signings and the views.

Will it change the peas,

because peace would change you too.


The devils advocate – the necessary evil.

The meritocracy that he declares.

Why cant I just turn him off,

and stop emulating for humerous ends.


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