Its thirteen of eight,
I feel like a debate.
But that wouldn’t be fair,
To have hate fill the air.
Those vaccinations,
with my factor h,
I know you don’t care.
A flood of episomes,
R N A pollutants.
When our state wants our heath,
They could list better solutions.
I prefer,
lung on a chip.
An organ replacement,
in every office we sit.
A covid canary,
a particulate plan.
To filter out,
all the vax-i-am.
Clean air clean water,
clean everything.
The cleanest deathtraps,
Australia can bring.
Cauz its hard enough,
to avoid the snakes.
swim past sharks,
and there’s the spiders we hates.
Don’t fail,
and let another one pass,
Small and invisible,
detections a must!
Paint that changes color,
lights that radiate cover!
Name and shame is where we go,
to highlight the failures and repair the show.
Alright, there’s liars,
I’ll give you that.
honestly honesty,
Is best for your pet.
Its up to you,
to end this time.
Free our people,
introduce a new crime.
If you bring,
another bug,
I’ll have you up,
remove your pug.
If unable to sit at home,
worrying by the telephone.
And you unable to hold your grace,
Let me help defend your race.
No, not your origin,
your language or educationing.
Not even your family tree,
Just the bliss between you and me.
I teach you to smile,
when feeling low.
licking lips,
when things are slow.
Straightening your back,
whenever able.
breathing steady,
all cards on the table.
Remove all flinches squinches and ticks,
help to learn to give things the flicks.
Anticipate, when’s the next move,
See the future so you wont be fooled.
Profits come and Prophets go,
some should know it – I don’t know.
I’m just coping with you and me,
and one day soon – I wanna share some tea.