
Seventeenth of the six and your still reading rubbish

Seventeenth of the six,

and your still reading rubbish.

How gay are you,

stuck in your browserige.


You think you need,

you think you know,

what you need,

is to put weight on your toe.


Reading stuff on the internet,



trying to get bent.


What you need is no thing,

no things to slow you down.

no things to distract your advances,

of getting back to ground.


you’ve got the mirror,

use it.

your got the insults,

defuse it.


The tears’ll come,

no one to help.

Nowhere to run,

no whats to keep.


Only the past tense,

Only the past sense.

Only the last dents,

that make us whole less tents.


Only for christ sake,

‘ought’ to for each take.

Some thing aught to awake,

otherwise you’ll loose the debate.


Bahptism come forth,

into the fold.

Hippies take heed,

This word will unroll.


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