
terrorism winners tollerated – doh

Real estate agents got my goat, The ex wife even took my coat. The preists got to slap my butt, teachers managed to stamp my utt. friends never paid thier bets, Employers demanded that I save their pets. Workers teased and fained a punch, No one ever repairs a hunch. let it wear, let it […]


Toot a doot

Between hooting and tooting, lays another dooting. The bear is writing, Rain in the fighting. The bonking ban is all barr the pollis, Who get them out – with all of their follies. Who put them in charge I ask of you, Your neighbours decided so speak of them two. With twitter and facebook, google […]


Dooters Rejoice

Dooters Rejoice for I’ve found a word, Something strange, yet considered now heard. Its been three hundred and seventy years, since the Reformation ended with all those tears. Australian rejoice for it is our time, To create an understandings that southerners can rhyme. We down under can doubt of death, embrace reincarnation unlike the rest. […]



To go into politics not for national pride, Just for something to do while alive. Its the love of the land and all between its sand, Where the people living their lives can avoid the bland. Its the show, its the go, the start of the redistributing you know, the political revival that makes its […]



— Tried Tron today, wish me luck! I have been ask to develop an idea I’ve had for some time about a see-saw algo that allows maternode ownership to individuals for insurance. This is a once off insurance policy with a fixed amount as a once time withdrawl. Voting is done on the network through […]


assertive action agency

every morning I wake up with sound, seek a mirror and stand profound. Seeing how I need to raise my crown, Yet keep the ears close to the ground. I go ahead and make the sound, Rolling my r’s and saying the hour. Seeing that the lips have all the power, for vowels and the […]


SPC Singularity Progressive Currency

As we barrel into the singularity channel, accept theres zero stopping it happening to travel. In transit to telephone, transpiritualistic senital being, What have we been designing to seam, What concoction, mashup or mein. Fences and walls because of those balls, because our youth mostly learning in halls. You know that nothing good, Is filling […]



Mr whale, mr hail, whoever runs this show. I dont know who, or on which shoe, you’ve been kicking my behind. I try to rhyme, it that a crime, why tourture me just so. How do you aim, to avoid our blame, and keep your name quite hid. Why did you show, or allow that […]


Poetic warmups

Theophilus Thistler, the thistle sifter, Sifting a sieveful of unsifted thistles, Thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb. Three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb, Theophilus Thistler thought that this shouldnt be done. So Theos therapeuticlly sucked his thumb, He Thumped and Thrashed till the pain was done. He throttled […]



The flats, the units, the granny huts. Will be too small – meant for mutts. Portable housing, live in a loo, Something I hope, no one will do. The words cloud over and mask it all, Preserving the truth, within a great wall. The idea is good and worthy beside, Just bend the stats from […]